Harnessing Anaerobic Digestion For Biogas Production In Nigeria

Harnessing Anaerobic Digestion For Biogas Production In Nigeria

1. KEY TAKEAWAYS: 1. Nigeria’s reliance on fossil fuel generated GHG emissionsof 100.389MT CO2 in the year 2022, ranking Nigeria to be 4th largest emitter of carbon in Africa. 2. Anaerobic digesters are a great innovation for the country’s renewable energy options. 3. Nigeria has abundant sources of organic waste suitable for biogas production. For […]

The Impact Of Deforestation On Nigeria’s Biodiversity: Causes And Consequences

The Impact Of Deforestation On Nigeria’s Biodiversity: Causes And Consequences

KEY TAKEAWAYS Nigeria’s forests host an impressive array of biodiversity. Deforestation and biodiversity loss are deeply interlinked, with one exacerbating the other. As forests degrade, biodiversity declines, weakening natural resilience to climate change, and reducing crucial ecological services. Drivers of deforestation in Nigeria include agricultural expansion, logging (both legal and illegal), and urbanization. The projected […]