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Harnessing Anaerobic Digestion For Biogas Production In Nigeria

1. KEY TAKEAWAYS: 1. Nigeria’s reliance on fossil fuel generated GHG emissionsof 100.389MT CO2 in...

Mining without Poison: Addressing the Threat of Heavy Metals in Mining

1. KEY TAKEAWAYS Mining activities release toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium...

Climate Finance and Emerging Issues from COP 29: What Next for Nigeria?

KEY TAKEAWAYS: COP29 set new, ambitious financial goals, including tripling the annual climate...

Health And Environmental Challenges Associated with Plastic Waste

KEY TAKEAWAYS: Plastics are non-biodegradable and may progressively break down into smaller...

Unregulated Drilling of Water Wells in Nigeria: Risks, Regulatory Challenges and Strategic Way Forward.

Takeaways: Unregulated drilling of wells undermines the availability, quality and productivity of...

The Impact Of Deforestation On Nigeria’s Biodiversity: Causes And Consequences

KEY TAKEAWAYS Nigeria’s forests host an impressive array of biodiversity. Deforestation and...

The Linkages Between Climate Change and Watershed Development in Nigeria

Key Takeaways Climate change exacerbates water scarcity and water related hazards. Watershed...

Emerging Trends and Opportunities in Plastic Waste Recycling in Nigeria

The Foundation for Investigative Journalism reports that Nigeria is now the second largest plastic...

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